SEMPRIS is the name of an insured indemnity product that has been developed and is administered by Health Partners Europe Ltd. Health Partners is a strong and well recognised company with a long-standing reputation in healthcare consultancy, and the delivery of medical administration services to professional sport in the UK. The scheme consists of two elements:

(1)  an insured indemnity policy underwritten by leading Lloyds of London Syndicates and Medical Malpractice Insurance companies; and

(2)  in-house legal and advisory assistance services provided by SEMPRIS Support and supported by Keystone Law, specialists in medico-legal and risk management services.

In addition to the strength of the SEMPRIS partners, the scheme’s security and longevity will be  determined by the support and commitment of its members, and the financial security and strength of the underlying indemnity insurance. The combination of long established and reputable service providers, underpinned by the size and financial security provided by Lloyd’s of London (Standard & Poor’s, A+) (A.M. Best, A) (Fitch Ratings, AA-) and Allied World Insurance (Standard & Poor’s, A) (A.M. Best, A) (Moody’s, A2) provides the security, assurance and longevity that members require.

On the basis of the agency ratings, and the commitment, determination and long standing reputation of the parties involved in developing SEMPRIS, we believe the scheme has a strong and secure future.

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