The FSEM has recently made changes to their Professional Code, which follows the guidance made by the General Medical Council stating that doctors must have appropriate indemnity cover.  All doctors will be familiar with the General Medical Council (GMC) guidance Good Medical Practice, which describes what is expected of doctors registered with the GMC.

President of the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine, Dr Paul D Jackson, comments: “Doctors working in sport, particularly elite sport, can sometimes face unique challenges when providing medical care for an individual or a team. The second edition of the FSEM Professional Code is designed for use alongside the GMC’s Good Medical Practice; it is an important part of the FSEMs remit to set standards for doctors working in Sport and Exercise Medicine and is applicable to all doctors working in sport.”

SEMPRIS has also published an article written by Capsticks Solicitors which outlines the GMC’s position.

The FSEM’s updated Professional Code includes the following codes of practice:

1.7. Ensure that you have adequate indemnity protection against damages, claimant’s costs and defence costs relating to a claim brought by a patient’s employer, club, agent, sponsor or event organiser in relation to alleged negligent treatment of a patient. Members and Fellows should discuss indemnity options with their employer and medical defence organisation. Indemnity insurance may only cover the Doctor for claims made by the patient, and not by their club, agent, sponsor or other.
2.9. When travelling abroad ensure that you have indemnity cover and seek clarity whether this relates to the athletes only or allows you to provide medical services to the support and administrative staff.

For further information contact the FSEM Tel: 0131 527 1612 Email:

The SEMPRIS medico-legal team are also able to provide further information to our members should you have any questions.


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