Welcome to our latest Horizons round-up.

As January is all about motivating us to achieve our goals, we thought we’d start with this rather lovely clip of legendary coach Frank Dick OBE on the meaning of winning.

Here are some of the research and articles that caught our attention in December.

Research, Articles and Podcasts


Tennis Elbow – A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prognostic value of persistent symptoms https://journals.lww.com/clinorthop/Abstract/9900/Persistent_Tennis_Elbow_Symptoms_Have_Little.577.aspx

Hamstring Injury Patterns – A systematic video analysis of 52 cases in professional male football https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2021/12/12/bjsports-2021-104769

Low Back Pain – Effectiveness of treatments: a systematic review with network meta-analysis https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/56/1/41

Hip Pain in Dancers – Femoroacetabular translation in female athletes and dancers assessed by dynamic hip ultrasonography https://bmjopensem.bmj.com/content/7/4/e001169

Knee Osteoarthritis – An overview of the RESTORE trial for PRP injections https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2021/12/13/the-restore-trial-for-prp-injections-in-knee-osteoarthritis-what-does-it-show/

Knee Osteoarthritis – Knee extensor muscle weakness as a risk factor: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2021/12/20/bjsports-2021-104861

Knee Osteoarthritis – Opinion on exercise therapy as a preferential treatment https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2021/12/18/how-the-culture-war-over-knee-osteoarthritis-treatments-hurts-patients/

UEFA Injury Study – Injury rate decrease in men’s professional football: an 18-year prospective cohort study https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/bjsports/55/19/1084.full.pdf


Sudden Cardiac Death –Sports-related risks in women https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/eurheartj/ehab833/6459631?redirectedFrom=fulltext


Salivary Markers – Unique diagnostic signatures of concussion in the saliva of male athletes: study of concussion in Rugby Union through microRNAs (SCRUM)  https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/55/24/1395#block-system-main

Infographic – The Drake football concussion study  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FE43iILXoBALpPL?format=jpg&name=medium

Brain Health Action Plan – The FA, Premier League, EFL and Professional Footballers Association (PFA) joint action plan on understanding, promoting and protecting brain health https://www.thefa.com/news/2021/dec/07/brain-health-action-plan


Risk and Scope of Indemnity – Four key questions that anyone should be asking their indemnifier https://www.sempris.co.uk/2021/11/18/four-questions-to-ask-a-medical-indemnifier-before-signing/

Collaborative Care – Club, country and clinicians united: ensuring collaborative care in elite sport medical handovers https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/55/24/1383

Sports Injury Prevention – A qualitative study exploring the perspectives of Belgium Olympic level athletes, coaches, managers and healthcare providers https://bmjopensem.bmj.com/content/7/4/e001217

Acute Respiratory Illness – Prevalence of lower airway dysfunction in athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2021/12/07/bjsports-2021-104601

Exertional Rhabdomyolysis – How a better understanding of the condition can lead to early diagnosis and help SEM teams reduce the risk of ER in their athletes https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2021/06/24/exertional-rhabdomyolysis-pushing-muscle-to-the-limit/


Some websites, podcasts and resources you might find useful:

Physio Explained – Free podcasts for SEM practitioners https://www.physio-network.com/free-resources/physio-explained-by-physio-network/

BASEM Education – Presentations from the 2021 BASEM Spring Conference: Hip & Groin Vision Day https://basem.co.uk/check-out-the-latest-education-modules-added-to-the-basem-education-learning-portal/


BIR Scottish Branch: Acute and Emergency Imaging Education Day – 11th March 2022, Glasgow https://birorgukportal.force.com/CPBase__event_detail?id=a173Y00000GAUT5QAP&site=a0N2000000COvFsEAL


A little medical humour to end, with some enjoyable replies 😁

Do let us know your feedback, and any suggestions you have for websites, apps or networks for inclusion in future bulletins.

DISCLAIMER: Horizons is intended as a helpful round-up for members of potentially interesting articles/opinions that have been shared online. SEMPRIS are not qualified to make/infer any clinical judgements, and the inclusion of content, events and resources does not imply endorsement.

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