Happy New Year!
Despite the Christmas festivities, there was no shortage of interesting and thought-provoking opinion in December.
Here is just some of the content that caught our eye last month:
Heading in Football Training In response to recently published research by the Football Association’s independently-chaired research taskforce, a review of potential changes to the coaching and training of heading has been announced. Potential changes to the coaching and training of heading
Top 100 Articles Which were the most-discussed research articles of 2019? This Altmetric report highlights the most popular. Top 100 Research Outputs
Patient Prehab The NHS borrows from Sports Science to offer a prehab programme to get patients “match fit” ahead of chemotherapy or major surgery. ‘Prehab’ fitness plan ‘to boost recovery’
Mental Health With a resurgence of interest in the role of psychedelics in the management of a multitude of mental health conditions, could there be an avenue for sports medicine to explore? Sport medicine and psychedelics
Meet Professor James Calder Meet the sports surgeon on the world stage. Forbes article Professor Calder
Ocular Injuries in Badminton What are the common injuries and subsequent implications for future prevention strategies? BJSM article Badminton
Injury prevention in Rugby Could this injury prevention programme in community rugby have implications for RFU? Community rugby trial
Return to Play New research has found that an athlete’s brain may take longer to recover than previously thought. How long does brain injury linger?
Mental Health How is the mental health of rugby players impacted as a result of concussion or severe injury? BJSM article re mental health and concussion
Gender and Brain Injury How do male and female brains respond to injury? Gender differences in brain injury
Isometric Exercise and Patellar Tendinopathy Can isometric exercise be used to reduce pain and motor inhibition in the early stages of rehabilitation? BJSM article on patellar tendinopathy
Concussion Protocols Not all sporting leagues have defined concussion protocols with medical and allied health professionals to assess their athletes. So, what about athletes who don’t have access to concussion protocols? How many bumps are too many?
I/V Fluids in Sport What are the recommendations for physicians working in the elite sporting environment when prescribing intravenous fluids? JSAMS article on position statement from Australian Institute of Sport re IV fluids
Vegan Athletes It is claimed that eating vegan may help improve athletic performance. Why these elite athletes became vegan. But what do the experts think? Does veganism make a better athlete?
Challenges for Sport Scientists What are the top ten challenges facing applied sport scientists? 10 Challenges Facing Today’s Applied Sport Scientist
Women in Sport Are brands doing enough to advocate for women’s sport, or just riding the wave of popularity? Marketing Week: Are brands levelling the playing field in womens’ sport?
Resource round-up
Some websites, podcasts and apps you might find useful:
Doctors.net.uk Provides members with free online services. Doctors.net.uk
Rowing A useful collection of resources for injury prevention and management from the Rowing Australia Medical Team. Rowing Australia resources
Understanding Pain A BMJ podcast with Prof Lorimer Moseley exploring how contemporary understanding of pain can be better applied in clinical practice. BMJ pain podcast
New App YLMSportScience infographics now have their own app YLM sport science app
The month ahead
Paget’s Awareness Day 11th Jan Paget’s Awareness
Do let us know your feedback, and any suggestions you have for websites, apps or networks for inclusion in future bulletins.

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