If you have the opportunity of a well-earned break, and would like to catch up with some of the research and articles you may have missed in March, read on!

We hope you find them interesting – do let us know your feedback, and any suggestions you have for resources, studies or events for inclusion in future bulletins.

Research, Articles and Podcasts


A Focus on Sport Cardiology and Exercise Prescription – From the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology https://academic.oup.com/eurjpc/article/29/3/433/6542307


Hamstring Injury – Reducing the burden and re-injury rates: the development and application of BAMIC https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2022/02/11/reducing-hamstring-injury-burden-and-re-injury-rates-the-development-and-application-of-bamic/

Flatfoot Deformity – Outcomes of correction in patients with and without spring ligament tear https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/10711007211027270

ACL Injury – towards a gendered environmental approach https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/55/17/984

ACL Reconstruction and RTP –Vertical jump versus horizontal hop performance as a metric to identify knee function deficits at return to sport in male athletes https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/56/9/490

Shoulder Instability – The experience of a physiotherapist as the patient https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2022/03/01/shoulder-instability-a-physiotherapist-as-the-patient/

Hypermobility and Sports Injury – determining any association https://bmjopensem.bmj.com/content/4/1/e000366

Arthroscopic Acetabular Labral Repair A structured, patient-guided 5-phase PT protocol https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/23259671211071073


Healthcare Cyberattacks – Recent attack impacting MLB player benefit plans https://healthitsecurity.com/news/healthcare-cyberattacks-impact-benefit-plans-safety-net-clinics

Mental Health In Rugby – Teaming up to tackle stigma https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2022/03/21/teaming-up-to-try-and-tackle-the-stigma-around-mental-health-in-rugby/

Concussion, RTP and Para Athletes – Which aspects of the standard post-concussion protocol require special attention/modification? https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/56/7/417

Heat Stroke – Predicting a life-threatening illness for athletes and military personnel through wobble detection and core body temperature. https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2022/02/03/can-we-predict-heat-stroke-during-exercise/

Exercise-Induced Laryngeal Obstruction – A narrative review of EILO in athletes https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2022/02/21/bjsports-2021-104704

AI – Can artificial intelligence help prevent and manage musculoskeletal injuries? https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2022/02/17/can-artificial-intelligence-help-us-prevent-and-manage-musculoskeletal-injuries/

Injury Prevention – Challenging gendered norms in sport and physical activity https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2021/05/17/challenging-gendered-norms-in-sport-and-physical-activity-implications-for-injury-prevention/

IOC ‘Consensus Statements’ – Achieving consensus https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/56/6/306

Injury Reduction – The impact of better communication between medical staff and coach https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2022/03/10/can-better-communication-between-medical-staff-and-the-coach-reduce-injuries-lets-explore-the-options/

Head Impacts in American Football – New Position Statement by NATA https://www.athleteintelligence.com/nata-position-statement-adds-endorsement-for-head-impact-monitoring-to-reduce-head-first-contact/

Cheerleading and Orthopaedics – An evidence-based review https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/23259671211067222


Some websites, podcasts and resources you might find useful:

Tendon Rehab Management – sample chapter https://www.handspringpublishing.com/product/hip-and-knee-pain-disorders/

Sport Science Hub – new YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAYtBu96PbTT_0D-pgpHhcg

Knowledge Translation – Why it is important and what the process involves https://soundcloud.com/bmjpodcasts/knowledge-translation-moving-away-from-what-to-how-and-why-with-dr-sheree-bekker-ep-499?in=bmjpodcasts/sets/bjsm-1

Energy Availability Status of Professional Female Football Players https://www.fmpa.co.uk/fmpa-podcasts/

Performance Sport Hacks – a knowledge hub https://performancesporthacks.com/#sports-medicine-section


ISEH Annual Sports Cardio-Respiratory Medicine Conference Thursday 12th May 2022, Online https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/iseh-annual-sports-cardio-respiratory-medicine-conference-registration-291241289537

BASEM Annual Conference  26th – 27th May 2022, Grand Hotel, Brighton https://basem.co.uk/event/basem-2022-annual-conference/

Isokinetic Conference: Football Medicine – The Players’ Voices 4th – 6th June 2022, Lyon, France https://events.isokinetic.com/

MSK Imaging and Intervention In Professional Football 17 June 2022, The Royal College of Physicians, London https://www.rcr.ac.uk/clinical-radiology/event/msk-imaging-and-intervention-professional-football

The 2022 edition of the Science and Cycling Conference 28th-29th June 2022, Copenhagen https://mailchi.mp/3d55f3720a98/science-cycling-newsletter-january-2022

2nd International Conference on Golf and Health 18-19 July 2022, Scotland https://www.rcsed.ac.uk/professional-support-development-resources/2nd-international-congress-on-golf-and-health

International Festival of Sports, Exercise & Medicine Conference 29th September – 2nd October 2022, Pretoria https://ifsemc2022.co.za


For the radiologists among you…

Where would we be without you!

Do let us know your feedback, and any suggestions you have for websites, apps or networks for inclusion in future bulletins.

DISCLAIMER: Horizons is intended as a helpful round-up for members of potentially interesting articles/opinions that have been shared online. SEMPRIS are not qualified to make/infer any clinical judgements, and the inclusion of content, events and resources does not imply endorsement.

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